Following the Whole30 program (it’s Day 6!), I have been missing my morning coffee with vanilla soy creamer! (soy is a no-no on Whole30, as is any added sugar). I made bulletproof coffee but could not get more than a sip down, I must have made it wrong because so many people say it tastes good!? Well I didn’t have the brain octane oil, so used coconut oil instead – that might of affected it! I just got all these ingredients so I shall try again 🙂

While I await the arrival of the brain octane oil, I have been replacing my morning coffee with some warm pomegranate juice and tea! I got this tea from Trader Joe’s and added some steamed almond milk. I then took it a step further and made true turmeric latte (with Whole30 approved cashew milk) and it’s not only delicious, but healthy & naturally energizing. I especially love this version, with dates, pepper and ginger. Here is the recipe:


  • 1 cup fresh nut milk (almond, pecan, cashew, coconut or dairy if you’d prefer) 
  • 1-inch piece fresh turmeric, peeled or ½ tsp turmeric powder
  • ½ tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 date (or 1t honey if not on Whole30)
  • ½ inch piece fresh ginger root, peeled or ¼ tsp ginger powder
  • Finely ground black pepper (pinch)
  • 1 tbsp almond, cashew nut or hazelnut butter (optional — makes it more creamy)


  1. Combine all ingredients, except black pepper in a blender and blend until completely smooth. **You can make a bigger batch and store in the fridge, then simply warm it up the next morning 
  2. Transfer into a small pitcher and steam using the steam attachment on an espresso machine or transfer to a pot and heat gently, over medium-low heat, until warm. 
  3. Pour into a mug, sprinkle with some ground black pepper and enjoy

I hope you like it and check back tomorrow for my WEEK 1 roundup of the Whole30 program. Xo, K

recipe adapted from Wellness mama but changed a bit to my liking:)

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