Month: December 2016

Wednesday Wishlist: Holiday Gift Guide

Hey guys! I can’t believe this is the last weekend before Christmas, which means Nico and I have A LOT of shopping to do this weekend. To be honest, I have been buying tons of gifts online this year because of the great deals and quick shipping! My neighbor just told me that him and his wife finished all their shopping last night on Amazon Prime – they even got the gifts wrapped and delivered to their family’s house in PA! #genius That way, when they load up their car with the baby, all the luggage and the dog for the 6+ hour drive, they don’t have to pack any of the gifts! Amazon lets you put in different delivery address and they gift wrap for you and even put a note on each saying not to open until Christmas! Love that!

How cute are these seasonal inspired gifts? They are perfect when you just don’t know what to get someone or even better for yourself if you’re hosting a holiday party! My mom gets me Christmas socks every year and I wear them all winter long ….and into the Spring 🙂 Oh, and all the links to the exact products are below the collages – just click on the number!

1 | 2 (the hat lights up!) | 3 (Sale for $5)| 4 | 5 | 6 (also loving this one) | 7 (AE has really funny boxers/briefs) | 8


What my dog eats

I thoroughly enjoy taking care of Freddy and just love how much he loves us. We focus on positive reinforcement and sometimes treat him like a little human (I mentioned some of this and his training in this post I did the other day). It really has made all the difference in respecting us and listening.

There are (more…)

DIY: What to do with extra Save-the-Dates (or other paper items)

SO there are 228 days until MY WEDDING! I planned on sharing with you my wedding planning, but I think I am going to save it all for a post series after I get married so I can better evaluate what worked/what didn’t and offer better advice. Plus, I don’t want to give away all my surprises in case some of my guests read my blog! Fun Fact about my venue I will share — my parents got married on the SAME grounds. What I mean is that, 30-so years ago when my (more…)

If you’re planning on getting a puppy for Christmas…

I have been wanting to write about my experience with Freddy for a while, but it’s one of those things that I’ve kept putting off because I had so much to say. Lately, I’ve had more people asking about our experience with him and about getting a dog in general.  I thought now would be a good time to share what I’ve learned, since I know there are a lot of people thinking about adding to their family this time of year.  I’ll tell you how we ended up with Freddy, and what I’ve learned since.

If you’re one of those who’s thinking about getting a puppy for Christmas, you’ll find this post helpful! (more…)

Wednesday Wishlist: Cozy Gift Guide

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 

I mean, this time of year I’m all about drawstring pants, hot peppermint tea, fuzzy socks and a great candle. Even better if the hot tea is replaced with a hot mulled wine. So basic, yet so heavenly. I made it recently and put up a recipe here.
