Month: October 2016

off white, knee length vest

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I have been loving these tissue turtleneck t-shirts lately. They are so soft and thin that you can easily layer them underneath a sweater or throw a long vest over it like I did here. You can get them at J-crew and they carry them in at least 10 other colors. (I snagged 4 of them for $22 each during Columbus weekend sale at J-crew Factory. They currently have them for $14.50, I think I need to grab a few more actually!

The vest is by Romeo + Juliet Couture, I have been finding a lot of that brand at Marshalls & Tjs and I just love the designs. The pockets are key and it can easily be worn as an alternate to the blazer when you want to switch it up a bit. The wool fedora has been my lifesaver during my recent travels. Walking through the airport with jet lag and hair a mess, this hat is not only cute but also serves as this oasis to get shut-eye on the plane. It goes with every outfit too, from leggings to jeans to this skirt-and-vest combo! I got it at Marshalls (obviously) but I found similar ones at Nordstrom. My skirt is Cynthia Rowley and would look really cute with some black tights for a colder day.

One of my favorite things about the fall weather (more…)

Friday’s Five

img_0998— getting used to making myself an office anywhere I go–


— finding a Chicken of the Woods on my daily walk through the forest with Freddy —


— a weekend drive up North to enjoy peak foliage season–


— being selected to be in 2 different movies filming in Boston — actors sure do work long days! 14+ hours, I was drained!–


–and enjoying some poutine pizza (from CheeseBoard SO GOOD!) in Windsor,Vermont at Oktoberfest with Harpoon Brewery

Happy Friday everyone! I am just (more…)

Plaid off the shoulder

dsc_0437dsc_0428dsc_0422dsc_0423With the weather changing over here in New England, I have been transitioning my new walk-in closet to fit the outdoor temps. This plaid off the shoulder top is by Cloth & Stone and I have already worn it several times this season. This shirt works for the changing weather – when it gets up to the 70s mid day and then drops down to the 50’s. I’ve been taking a scarf with me and throwing it on when it gets a bit cooler. We went to Vermont over the weekend for the Harpoon Octoberfest and I wore this top with some ripped black jeans. Very cozy, fashionable and transitional.

My leather pants are (more…)

3 ingredient peanut butter (& fluff) cookies

dsc_0567I don’t know about you, but after dinner, I crave something sweet! When they ask at the restaurant if you saved room for dessert, I always say yes! It’s this weird thing I got from my mother — I just do not feel satisfied unless my sweet tooth is taken care of.

My healthy paleo, no dairy, no gluten diet had to go on hold for these cookies! However, they are only 3-ingredients (+ the fluff) ……. (more…)

What’s in my running fanny pack

I am not a great runner, but I find myself signing up to run 5K road races all the time — I get sucked in for the cause of the race, and then hate myself when the running part happens telling myself I am never signing up to run again. I figured since I was on the cross-country team in high-school, and that running is as simple as putting one foot in front of the other, I can do it with ease. Wrong.

My neck and shoulders always hurt when I run – I end up just rotating my head from side to side to get the kink out and continue running. I lose my breath so quickly and don’t get it because I eat healthy and exercise on the reg!  Now that I have a very energetic dog and a very active fiancĂ© that take me on trail runs (we have a reservation about 4 minutes from our house, it would be a shame not to utilize all the trails),  I decided I would actually learn how to run. 

Back story: When I was in Poland last month, my uncle (who is a renowned surgeon) came over to me and put his hand on my back telling me to stand up straight. Uh, I thought I was standing up straight? I have tried to be more observant of my posture and constantly find myself adjusting and cracking my back.  

Check back next week for a post about what to be looking for when evaluating your posture.

So to learn how to run properly,  I first focused on 2 things that instantaneously changed how I felt when running: posture & breathing.

Proper Running Posture Tips:

  • Hold your head high, centered between your shoulders, and your back straight. I focus on keeping my chest out and tightening my abs (or sucking in your stomach). This will give your back that straight line.
  • Focus your gaze in front of you. This can be hard when you are running on rocky trails, and want to see where you are stepping. Glance down every so often so you do not run into a rock tree stump (it happens a lot!) but generally speaking focus your gaze about 30 yards in front of you.  Looking down when running could lead to that strain on your neck muscles and spine.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed and parallel to the ground.  Your shoulders should hang loosely with a slight forward roll for optimal relaxation. Several times during my run, I have noticed my shoulders rising toward my ears or tensing up, so I just drop my arms and loosely shake them out. 


Turn a spare bedroom into a Walk-in-Closet

img_6543fThe closer you live to the city, the smaller your yard gets (if you even have one!), the smaller your parking spot gets, (if you’re lucky enough to have one!) the smaller your master bedroom gets and most importantly, the smaller the closet space gets! I was able to live with all the above, minus the closet space! After 3 years of folding and refolding clothes that were all displayed on the guest bed, closing the door from embarrassment of the mess it was when we had company, never being able to find a purse, a shirt, an accessory when I needed it, we decided it was time to invest and turn that guest room into a walk-in closet. We figured that if in the 3 years of owning our condo, we only had a handful of guests stay the night, turning the room into a walk in was a no brainer!
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Where do you begin?

First, (more…)