Author: Karina Mroczko

Pumpkin Seeds – a halloween treat that’s SO good for you.


I carved pumpkins over the weekend at my parents house – yeah I know – so cool of me. Well, anyways I love spending time with family and I take every opportunity to do so because who knows where life will take Nico and I in a few years — we could live in another part of the world because of Nico’s job and then I won’t be able to carve pumpkins with the fam so easily!

We almost threw out the seeds this time. Luckily, dad made sure to gather them all up, rinse, separate all the stringy pumpkin pulp and roast them (325° F for 25 minutes, make sure to stir them around every 8 mins or so). It wasn’t until last year when someone I used to work with brought in a ziplock bag filled with a medley of in shell roasted pumpkin seeds and roasted coconut chips (he got these from Trader Joe) to snack on. I was hooked on the flavor combination and looked into (more…)

plaid + jeans + boots, check!


I can’t believe this weekend is Halloween weekend already! I’m in this awkward stage where I don’t even care about going to parties – is that weird? I find myself being totally okay with carving pumpkins with my younger brother and gf on a Friday night (those 2 are just SO fun to be around!) or putting on sweats, cooking dinner and snuggling up on the couch with my pup and guy. Those are the weekends I live for. I can’t even think of the last time I wanted to get all dolled up and go out to a bar and drink. It’s so much effort! I think it’s official that I am getting older? or maybe I’m just getting boring? HA no way!

There’s a time and place for everything — I mean when my ladies are in town, I’ll get dolled up and go out with them and be a social butterfly or when the guy needs that Manhattan after a long work week, we’re hitting up the martini bar! (unless I can teach myself to make a damn good Manhattan at home!) 😉

I wear ankle booties all fall and winter — and then into the spring. They really are (more…)

This Spaghetti Squash Lasagna answers the question, “What’s for dinner tonight”?

I was craving a fall type lasagna the other day without all the heaviness of traditional lasagna. I am also trying to be on a restricted gluten and dairy diet for personal health benefits — I am constantly learning about healthy food alternatives & trying to incorporate that into my lifestyle as much as possible. SO, cooking at home is the easiest way to achieve that! 

healthy-spaghetti-squashI had some spaghetti squash, tomatoes and tofu at home — and fresh basil still growing outside despite the cold temps we’ve been having this week in Boston. I made sure to salvage the basil and utilize it in this recipe.

This lasagna happens to be gluten-free and vegan, but you can easily add (more…)

Fringe top


Have you ever bought something that you absolutely adored even though you weren’t sure where you would wear it (a fancy ball gown or maybe crystal embellished high heels or a designer suit for the men that read my blog!) You convinced yourself that one day you’d be invited to the Grammys (or you’d make your guy take you to the opera!), just so you’d feel better about making the purchase? You know, when you want to dress up super fancy and go somewhere super fancy type of thing? 

Anyways, I used to buy clothes with the intention of wearing them to an event, but I would either forget that I had those heels sitting in the back of my closet and go out to buy new ones or I would not like the color of the dress anymore – or it didn’t fit right — the list goes on. Luckily, I’m a grown woman now that rather spend her money on dog toys and groceries. sigh.

One thing I have always done when it comes to fashion and still do is (more…)

DIY: Bridal Proposal Box

img_5812img_5756After getting engaged, I took some time to think about the important ladies in my life and how I would ask them to stand by my side and be a part of this next chapter in my life. I knew I wanted to do a little more than just ask.. I wanted to give them something that I spent time on — that I put thought and effort into.

After a lot of procrastinating (I had 10 different ideas!), I finally settled on ‘popping the question’ with “Proposal Boxes”. With my wedding being set in Europe and all of my bridal party living in the states, I decided to decorate little wooden suitcases and fill them with (more…)

off white, knee length vest

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I have been loving these tissue turtleneck t-shirts lately. They are so soft and thin that you can easily layer them underneath a sweater or throw a long vest over it like I did here. You can get them at J-crew and they carry them in at least 10 other colors. (I snagged 4 of them for $22 each during Columbus weekend sale at J-crew Factory. They currently have them for $14.50, I think I need to grab a few more actually!

The vest is by Romeo + Juliet Couture, I have been finding a lot of that brand at Marshalls & Tjs and I just love the designs. The pockets are key and it can easily be worn as an alternate to the blazer when you want to switch it up a bit. The wool fedora has been my lifesaver during my recent travels. Walking through the airport with jet lag and hair a mess, this hat is not only cute but also serves as this oasis to get shut-eye on the plane. It goes with every outfit too, from leggings to jeans to this skirt-and-vest combo! I got it at Marshalls (obviously) but I found similar ones at Nordstrom. My skirt is Cynthia Rowley and would look really cute with some black tights for a colder day.

One of my favorite things about the fall weather (more…)