Category: Delish

Cookies for Breakfast – uh yes.

On Sunday, I make dessert… okay it’s not just on Sunday –I have something for dessert every night — but on Sunday, I put more thought into actually making something. You know, more than just a spoonful of Nutella (Does anyone else do that!? It’s so addicting) or some vanilla gelato with berries –no effort kind of dessert. I love to explore with what ingredients I have on hand and whip up a new recipe. Everything I make these days has some health benefit to it, so it’s no surprise these cookies are packed with healthy alternatives! In fact, they are a perfect, healthy little breakfast on the go. Hence, why I made a big batch last night and sent Nico to work with a home-brewed iced coffee and a ziplock with these cookies. I mean they have bananas, peanut butter and oats – that’s breakfast-y, right?

Pumpkin Seeds – a halloween treat that’s SO good for you.


I carved pumpkins over the weekend at my parents house – yeah I know – so cool of me. Well, anyways I love spending time with family and I take every opportunity to do so because who knows where life will take Nico and I in a few years — we could live in another part of the world because of Nico’s job and then I won’t be able to carve pumpkins with the fam so easily!

We almost threw out the seeds this time. Luckily, dad made sure to gather them all up, rinse, separate all the stringy pumpkin pulp and roast them (325° F for 25 minutes, make sure to stir them around every 8 mins or so). It wasn’t until last year when someone I used to work with brought in a ziplock bag filled with a medley of in shell roasted pumpkin seeds and roasted coconut chips (he got these from Trader Joe) to snack on. I was hooked on the flavor combination and looked into (more…)

This Spaghetti Squash Lasagna answers the question, “What’s for dinner tonight”?

I was craving a fall type lasagna the other day without all the heaviness of traditional lasagna. I am also trying to be on a restricted gluten and dairy diet for personal health benefits — I am constantly learning about healthy food alternatives & trying to incorporate that into my lifestyle as much as possible. SO, cooking at home is the easiest way to achieve that! 

healthy-spaghetti-squashI had some spaghetti squash, tomatoes and tofu at home — and fresh basil still growing outside despite the cold temps we’ve been having this week in Boston. I made sure to salvage the basil and utilize it in this recipe.

This lasagna happens to be gluten-free and vegan, but you can easily add (more…)

3 ingredient peanut butter (& fluff) cookies

dsc_0567I don’t know about you, but after dinner, I crave something sweet! When they ask at the restaurant if you saved room for dessert, I always say yes! It’s this weird thing I got from my mother — I just do not feel satisfied unless my sweet tooth is taken care of.

My healthy paleo, no dairy, no gluten diet had to go on hold for these cookies! However, they are only 3-ingredients (+ the fluff) ……. (more…)

My grandma’s favorite oatmeal raisin cookies

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetMy babcia used to make these cookies every once in a while –she would always make them extra baked – meaning they were on the very brown side — some might call them burnt! But that’s the way she liked them and I just loved cookies so I didn’t care!

Nowadays, when I bake these, I’m lucky if I can get a dozen out of the batch! ( one recipe makes 4 dozen) I eat way too much of the raw cookie dough before I get them in the oven! So needless to say, my cookies are baked just enough to get a slight golden color!Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

 Both ways are delicious. Your preference!

I made half the recipe for me and Nico the other night and we managed to eat them all up with some almond milk and a Netflix movie… ooopsProcessed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

Here is the recipe… enjoy!

[yumprint-recipe id=’17’]