Month: November 2016

Tuesday Ten: Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes

The holidays are upon us – the Thanksgiving to New Year’s season seems to take forever to get here, but then goes by way too fast! It’s the time we forget about our diets because it’s just SO hard when delicious traditional food is all around us – we can’t get away from it. From spending time in the kitchen with family and friends to work holiday parties to simply running errands – the smells of pumpkin spice, peppermint mocha and gingerbread are everywhere.

With that said, I always try to incorporate some healthy options into the feasting to balance out the inevitable overeating and indulging. We are running a 5-miler on Thanksgiving morning as well! I hope my fiance and brother go easy on me this year!  Although I have become a better runner with some of the tweaks I mentioned here.

Here are 10 yummy, must try recipes  … (more…)

Sweater dress & Election Day 2016

I am loving this weather lately. It’s the second week of November and although it could snow any day now, the bright sun shining and the 60 degree days are pretty amazing. I’m not a fan of the cold at all and anyone that knows me knows I would rather be smoldering hot than be cold. All the layers in the world just don’t work– basically my fingers and toes get so unbearably cold that I can’t handle it! I have bad circulation so I have yet to find something that works well for those long amounts of time outside (dog parks, skiing, hiking, football games). I need hand warmers for each individual finger and toe warmers for each individual toe. I should get myself those gloves that have that ability – has anyone tried them? (more…)

Sunday dinner: EASY Roast Chicken and Vegetables (2 different recipes!)

I have been exploring with making a rotisserie style whole chicken at home. If you can cook a whole chicken for a Sunday dinner (and have it taste amazing) than you officially are a self-sufficient grown up. For some reason, roasting a whole chicken seemed like something I would just never be able to do — I accepted that I would only have this meal when I went to my parents house for dinner. I never thought I would know how to make it myself. Turns out, I was over-reacting – it really is SO simple! I have made it a few times now, trying out different methods and ingredients.  I am going to share 2 different recipes with you: a juicy German-style roast chicken that is beyond simple to make and my favorite roast chicken that has a few extra steps involved (kitchen twine!)img_04782What’s a chicken without (more…)