Month: November 2016

Cookies for Breakfast – uh yes.

On Sunday, I make dessert… okay it’s not just on Sunday –I have something for dessert every night — but on Sunday, I put more thought into actually making something. You know, more than just a spoonful of Nutella (Does anyone else do that!? It’s so addicting) or some vanilla gelato with berries –no effort kind of dessert. I love to explore with what ingredients I have on hand and whip up a new recipe. Everything I make these days has some health benefit to it, so it’s no surprise these cookies are packed with healthy alternatives! In fact, they are a perfect, healthy little breakfast on the go. Hence, why I made a big batch last night and sent Nico to work with a home-brewed iced coffee and a ziplock with these cookies. I mean they have bananas, peanut butter and oats – that’s breakfast-y, right?