Month: March 2017

Friday’s Five: My Birthday & St. Patrick’s Day!

Happy Friday and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, everyone!

I am not Irish at all,  but I do celebrate on this day, because well it is my birthday! When I was born at 11:53AM, all the nurses were excited that a “Patricia” was born (so my mom tells me) My parents decided to make Patricia my middle name so there ya have it. That is the most Irish thing about me 🙂

It is also my last year of my 20’s. I turn (more…)

Whole30: Week 1 Review

It has been ONE week since I decided to commit to this Whole30 program. I am going to be super honest that there are times I have regretted it – like when N got notice of his promotion and I popped open a bottle of champagne but didn’t have any (okay, just ONE tiny little sip), or when we spent the entire day together on Saturday (it was our 6 year anniversary!) and we went to (more…)

Dairy-Free Turmeric Latte

Following the Whole30 program (it’s Day 6!), I have been missing my morning coffee with vanilla soy creamer! (soy is a no-no on Whole30, as is any added sugar). I made bulletproof coffee but could not get more than a sip down, I must have made it wrong because so many people say it tastes good!? Well I didn’t have the brain octane oil, so used coconut oil instead – that might of affected it! I just got all these ingredients so I shall try again 🙂

While I await the arrival of the brain octane oil, I have been replacing my morning coffee with (more…)

Friday’s Five: Uber for your dog , Whole30 meatless recipes and more!

Happy Friday and if you’re a practicing Catholic, Happy First Friday of Lent aka no meat day! I’d like to start sharing my Friday meals during Lent —  if you follow along with this blog and on my Insta (@youbetyourpierogi), you’ll know that I am doing the Whole30 program which makes eating quite tricky – not to mention we have social dinner events Saturday and Sunday!! #fml

I have practiced being vegan before and because I had this Isa Does it cookbook, I was able to make really good meals all the time, but with Whole30 (it’s only Day 3!!), I am struggling a bit .. I never realized how much I eat grains until I had to eliminate them or sugar — I can’t even talk about it! I crave ice-cream and sweets after every single meal! #struggling Needless to say, this is much harder than a vegan diet — I can go without meat or dairy, but to not be able to have oatmeal with honey for breakfast or make a tofu scramble is NOT EASY!  I’m going to stick with it though – there are just so many positive reviews about this program and I really want to find out what foods may be causing issues for me. I talked about that here. Once, I hit (more…)